Public Safety

Kossuth County Public Safety Endowment Fund
A former law enforcement officer himself, Donald Tietz founded the Kossuth County Public Safety Endowment Fund. He provided the seed money of $100,000, and the fund became affiliated with the Kossuth County Community Foundation.
Five area emergency services agencies will become benefactors of the interest gained on the principle for generations to come. Those entities include the Algona Police Department, Kossuth County Sheriff’s Department, Algona Fire Department, Algona Emergency Medical Services, and the Kossuth County EMS Association. The additional funding will allow for a greater level of services. The endowment’s principal is never spent, only the interest earned.
Your donation will make a direct impact on our community! Local emergency service agencies will use your contribution to support enhancements and innovation beyond routine operational expenses and normal capital expenditures. Citizens can experience the personal satisfaction of assisting these critical public services while receiving a tax advantage.